The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS May 15, 2021

Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “growth“.

Abiding love,

A cache of ecstasy,

Cloistered in surges of joy,

Surfing on the heart’s swell.

It rises in a crescendo,

It’s music resonating,

In the deep canyon of my heart.

I hold on to the notes,

They echo and come back.

The swell crashes on the dark stones,

Breaking them into myriad faces,

Sculpting them,

Etching them,

Imprinting them,

For they are it’s own.

As the swell ebbs,

Cacophany ends,

A silent symphony,

A gentle murmur.

The abiding love,

It rules my heart,

Its growth uncurbed.


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