24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 22, 2/20/24, Part I, Snow Becomes Rain (February 19 – March 4) Usui 雨水

Mu kigo words for the dodoistu below  are spring thaw and melting snow seeds of sadness buried deepin frozen heart's icy keepcouched in a dormant slumberin its gloomy lair in spring thaw's appeasing wakefrosty hard barriers meltcaressed by hope's warm caressseeds arouse to life roots brave sprout through ice belowin thaw's embrace finding peaceseeds of… Continue reading 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 22, 2/20/24, Part I, Snow Becomes Rain (February 19 – March 4) Usui 雨水

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Feb. 24, 2024

Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “rhymes with ale.” My word for the prompt is Pale In the quiet of the night so pale, Where shadows whisper their silent tale, Moonlight bathes the world in silver hue, Revealing secrets old and new,Through the mist, a figure fades, Memories linger in the silent glades,… Continue reading The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Feb. 24, 2024

What do you see # 226- February 19, 2024

A utopian expanse of mesmerising dreams-Pristine  and untouched by life's travails.Not blinded by its sharp glare,Or thwarted -by its cold silent shroud,Amidst this vast terrainA solitary path, a lone refrain.Footprints etched in transient grace,A journey traced, a soul's embrace.Each step a tale of hopes untold,Towards the peaks, where dreams unfold.The arduous climb to dreamy summitthat… Continue reading What do you see # 226- February 19, 2024

Ovi Poetry Challenge 35:

In symphony of life's refrainKindness plays a melodic strain9A tune enchantigly humaneLulling a weary anguished soul. Kindness speaks in a silent tonguesIn simple acts, its anthem sungIn its embrace both old and youngChorus of compassion plays strong. So let us weave in every linepoetry of kindness divine-Its verses empathy defineHumanity's spirit set free. Via https://wp.me/p4y9jb-Idv

24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 21, 2/13/24, Part II, The Beginning of Spring (February 3 – 20) Risshun 立春 24

My kigo words in the Imayo are lingering cold and bush-warblers Image from https://global.canon/en/environment/bird-branch/photo-gallery/uguisu/ In winter's deep silent hold, couched in icy foldsLife warm in dark recesses,wakes from its slumberIn crisp lingering cold dawn,dewy buds unfurlA bush warbler's sweet refrain,echoes in fresh plume Image fromhttps://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/13kex46/a_bear_emerging_from_hibernation_credit_to/ Image from https://www.earth.com/news/what-hibernating-squirrels-can-teach-space-travelers/ Bear once wrapped in slumber deep,stretches from… Continue reading 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 21, 2/13/24, Part II, The Beginning of Spring (February 3 – 20) Risshun 立春 24

What do you see # 225- February 12, 2024

Image credit; Paul Berry @ Unsplash this image shows a waterfront, in the background, the sun is setting and you can see a huge flock of birds in formation ( murmuration). Lonely I stood where Nature convergedMy bright dreams began to submergeMy last wish amber huedLost in life's lapping surf of blueWinged hope's rhapsodyA whispered rhythm-Silhouettes against… Continue reading What do you see # 225- February 12, 2024

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Feb. 10, 2024

Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “heavy/light/dark.”  In the silent depths where darkness weaves its mystic spell, There gleams a silent streak of lightPleading to break the chains,Through whispered fears and haunting dreams. The light shines, In the abyss where shadows play, It guides the lost along their way. In every soul, a… Continue reading The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Feb. 10, 2024